Do you ever wish that you had the opportunity to go back in time and right a past mistake? Maybe word things differently? Spend more time on things that actually mattered? Make some better choices during the difficult teen years? While I know that our past makes us into who we are in the present, I still have regrets that I'd love to see my children avoid having when they're my age.
What would I do differently if I had the chance?
I would've been nicer to people.
I am not a mean person by any stretch, but I would be a better listener to people that spoke to me. I mean, REALLY listen to what they were saying, and look them right in the soul as they shared something with me....positive or negative.
Be nice. Always.
I would've given everyone a chance.
People can't always help the road that they are walking in life. There have been times in the past when I had the opportunity to help people, and didn't, because they made me uncomfortable. Who says you have to be comfortable in life?
Take a chance. Everyone deserves it.
I would've started saving money with my first job.
I remember how "rich" I felt getting my first paycheck from the Crown Cinemas. It was really very, very little, but to someone who'd never held a job before, it was a goldmine. Instead of wasting my earnings on frivolous items like magazines, clothing and records/cassettes (I'm showing my age now), I would SAVE it. We have had to struggle financially almost daily since our marriage. I don't want that for our children. I want them to be able to lie their heads down at night, and enjoy a restful night, not worry about how they'll pay for this or that, or how they'll come up with money for an unplanned expense.
Save money. You truly won't regret NOT buying that CD that was THE CD to have for a brief week or two. As Mama says, "A rainy day IS coming." Plan for it. Be ready for it.
I would've spent more time with family.
At the age that my children are right now, it's not "cool" to WANT to spend time with your parents, and that's okay. That's normal. However, this is one of my biggest regrets. Life flies by in a blink, and before you know it, your parents are aging, your siblings have families of their own, and have moved away. Enjoy each moment.
Spend time with your family. Cherish each moment. Soak it all it.
I would've been more outgoing.
My weight has always held me back...physically and emotionally. I never felt like I was good enough in high school, and tried to make myself as invisible as possible. I missed out on a lot of events and fun times with my friends, because I was trying to be invisible. No matter your differences in life, weight, color, height or a handicap, we are all worth getting to know. Everyone has a story. Everyone has a heart that needs to be loved.
Be outgoing. Don't stand in the shadows, and blend into the background.
I would've been more selective with my friends.
I'm still learning this one. You will have many friends over the course of your lifetime, but a TRUE, honest-to-goodness friend that you can call at any hour, or only have to ask, and they'd be right by your side? Those are the types of friends that are few and far between. There are many people that will pretend to be your friend for whatever reason. They'll make you appreciate and value even more a TRUE friend.
Choose good, uplifting friends. You'll only benefit from a great, honest, true friendship.
I would've been in less of a rush to grow up.
How many times have you heard a young person say, "I can't wait until ____________." We've all done it. You miss a lot of opportunities and experiences anticipating something into the future. Enjoy now. Don't be in such a hurry. The bills, jobs, and responsibilities will come soon enough, and you'll be wishing you were a child again without that weight on your shoulders.
Enjoy your present. Don't wish your life away.
Most importantly...
I would've prayed more.
Pray. It's that simple. When it seems like no one else in the world wants to listen to you, or even cares about what you have to say. God is always there. He is never too busy to listen. He won't put you on hold, or ask you to come back later. You have His full, undivided attention - ALWAYS.
Pray, and watch Him work.
The great thing about having regrets is that you can learn from them, and do things differently in the future to avoid the same outcomes...and same harsh lessons. We all have regrets, and we all have the opportunity to do things differently, speak with a little more thought next time, and choose a different path in the future.
God bless,