The past few weeks have been tense ones in the state of North Carolina.
Our state is facing a very important vote on Tuesday, May 8th, that will put to bed the definition of marriage. Is it one man and one woman? Is it open to interpretation regardless of your sexual orientation? Is it discrimination for those on the "for" side to vote in favor of the amendment? Is it liberalistic for those on the against side to vote in opposition?
Both sides FOR and AGAINST raise passionate debates on why they personally believe they are right. It's at best, a heated topic of debate, discussion, and sadly, venomous at times.
I see things very black and white. There is no gray area. I'm either for or against. It's right or it's wrong. I've always been that way, and at 41 years old, I doubt that that will be changing any time soon. I'm also someone that has never gone along with the main stream, what is popular, or what is politically correct.
When you are a Christian, you ARE different. You ARE set apart. You ARE treated differently in society. Perhaps not so much on a day-to-day basis at work and school, but definitely when hot topic debates such as this amendment are brought to the surface.
Yesterday, our pastor spoke with fire, conviction, and passion from the pulpit on "The Biblical Standard of Marriage." My husband and I had been praying for our pastor since reading the church marquee on Saturday with the sermon title. Speaking out for something that goes against what's popular or widely accepted is difficult at best, and those willing to take that stand need our prayers and support, and Dr. Yount preached one of the best messages that I have ever had the privilege of hearing. I thank God for a man of God that doesn't back down, and preaches the message that God lays on his heart.
Our state has been bombarded by so many commercials that take away from the main issue - redefining marriage.
For me, this is a non-issue.
Genesis 1:27-28 (NIV) states:
"So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them. God blessed them and told them, 'Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.' "
God himself performed the first marriage ceremony in the garden of Eden - between a man and a woman.
As far as I'm concerned, that settles this issue. God ordained marriage as one man and one woman. North Carolina doesn't have the right to redefine what God perfectly created so long ago.
I was told yesterday that Christians are "discriminating" against homosexuals. I would challenge you to think before speaking such harsh words. After all, we do live in the United States of America where all of our citizens are born with the privilege and honor to have their own ideas, make their own opinions, pursue their own dreams, and practice or not practice the religion of their choice. My daddy is one of the thousands upon thousands of men and women who have fought and died for those precious rights to be preserved since our country was founded.
My vote will have nothing to do with discrimination, hate or prejudice. I am simply voting MY beliefs, MY convictions, MY morals, and for the society I want for my children and grandchildren. I encourage and challenge you to do the same.
My vote will have nothing to do with discrimination, hate or prejudice. I am simply voting MY beliefs, MY convictions, MY morals, and for the society I want for my children and grandchildren. I encourage and challenge you to do the same.
Whether you're on the for or against side of this issue, speak with kindness. Angry, heated words in defense don't do anyone any good. You're not going to persuade someone to see "your" side by being mean. We are all individuals that have our own opinions. Respect one another as you vote. You don't have to respect the side of the issue that someone else takes, but as Americans, it is your right - and mine - to have our voices heard.
Stand up and be counted.
God bless,
[Amen, Amy. Found this little jewel on the net!]
(written by a friend in 2003)
Even the God of the entire Bible is behind the gay rights movement----and I'll prove it.
(Although this paper focuses on lost persons in the "Northeastern Bermuda Triangle" outlined roughly by New York City, Montreal, and Boston, I'm sharing it with everyone everywhere.)
You who identify with GBLT (no, not Gay Bacon Lettuce & Tomato!) already know about your own history. So for the unlearned I'll include some info on it, much of which is on the internet.
Gay activist John McKellar has stated: "The major media are all nonstop advertisements for the gay lifestyle, so how far are they prepared to go in denying free speech to Christians, Muslims, and Jews?....No major world religion has ever accepted homosexual behavior. And if [gay] activists had any sense of history, they'd realize their own lifestyle is a symptom of an overurbanized, relativized culture heading into decadence."
Thomas Jefferson revealed that in Virginia, "dismemberment" of the offensive sex organ was the penalty for sodomy, and he himself authored a bill penalyzing sodomy by castration. The same internet article, "Homosexuals in the Military" by David Barton, also stated that sodomy , homosexuality etc. were regarded as felonies in early America and were even punishable by death in New York, Connecticut, South Carolina, and Vermont!
You GBLTs have traveled far. You are now helping to fulfill two big signs that Jesus said (in Luke 17) will characterize life on earth just before His return to it: "days of Noah" (physical violence) and "days of Lot" (your GBLT ancestors).
Even the New York Times has expressed amazement over the suddenness and pushiness of today's campaign for legalizing same-sex marriage, and Prof. David M. Halperin wrote that "lesbian and gay studies scholars" have led the way in fighting against policies that "criminalize gay sex or limit access to abortions."
I said early on that the Bible's God is behind you GBLTs. Yes, He's behind you and even pushing you down the dead-end road you have insisted on taking. Several scary Bible passages show that God will actually "program" those whose motto seems to be "HELL-BOUND AND HAPPY!": "the Lord God...gave them up to desolation" (II Chron. 30:7); God "gave them up to uncleanness," "gave them up to vile affections," "gave them over to a reprobate mind" (Rom. 1:24,26,28); "God shall send them strong delusion" (II Thess. 2:11); and "he which is filthy, let him be filthy still" (Rev. 22:11).
Now that you GBLTs have invented strange architecture (closets opening on to main streets instead of bedrooms!), have traded limp wrists for clenched fists, and are fighting for shame-sex marriage, I wonder if you will be happy when you've turned New York into New Yuck, Boston into Bah!-ston, and other places into Messychoose-its, Nude Hampshire, Vermin, and Cana-duh (where at least the maple leaves will be blushing!). And of course I should include Hell-A and San Fransissyco which, appropriately, are in Quake-ifornia!
So what are you waiting for? Since you're bent on fulfilling the predicted end-time Noah/Lot days (your way of helping to make the Bible even more believable!), and since seemingly you'd rather discover the "wrathful Judge" side of Christ instead of His "merciful and loving and forgiving" side, can't you speed up your role and get it over with? You're holding up the true and everlasting peace that God wants to give to the whole world!
(You're free to reproduce and distribute this non-copyrighted paper everywhere including the internet. You're also free to use a different title with it, if you wish.)