Monday, June 4, 2012


Monday, June 3, 2012

As I was looking back through past sermon notes, one caught my attention, and I was reminded of how it continues dominate my thoughts, and penetrate my heart. Several events have occurred in our home since the weekend that have continued to drive home my pastor's point from several months ago.

From the time we wake up in the morning, we're in a race. Race to get dressed and ready. Race to get to the bus. Race to work. Race to pick up children from school. Race to fix supper. Race to get baths. Race to get to bed. Ahh..then it's time for relaxing. How sad that I have been so rushed to finish each day, that I'm missing all of the good things throughout that day. 

As I pray in the morning for God to place someone in my path that day, did my racing through the day cause me to totally miss that opportunity? 

As I pray for my children to realize that I'm not being mean by parenting choices made, did my racing through the day cause me to miss the opportunity to share with them from MY experience in why my decision was so important? 

As I pray for the lost to come to know Jesus, did my racing through the day cause me to miss the opportunity to share Him with someone?  

I realized even more so yesterday of how quickly time (and life) are racing by. As I sat with my family in church, I kept looking at the graduates being honored in our congregation. In just a couple of years, our oldest will be sitting in that same position, wearing his cap and gown, and graduating from high school. It seems like only yesterday, we were wearing our knees out, praying - begging - for God to give us a child. Now, he's getting ready to turn 16. How quickly these past 16 years have raced by. 

My challenge to you - and myself - is to enjoy each and every moment of being a mom. Each and every moment is a blessing. 

Life doesn't have to be planned out from start to finish every day.

I want to seize each and every opportunity that comes up to soak it all in, and make memories with the ones that God has loaned to us on this children.


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