Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What Flag are you Flying?

What Flag Are You Flying?

A young lady from my church is currently spending a semester abroad studying in London. As I was looking through the amazing pictures that she posted recently, I was awestruck by the opportunity that she has to live where our country's history began.

As I looked through the photos, I noticed a photo of Buckingham Palace that she had captioned, "The Queen isn't in today." How did she know this?  The Royal Standard is always flown to signify that the Queen is at home within Buckingham Palace. On this day, only the Union Jack was flying, letting the throngs of people standing outside of the palace know that the queen was not in residence.

I began thinking about Jesus, the King of all Kings.

How do we let others know that He is at home in us?

Many people wear religious clothing, cross necklaces, and have the fish symbol magnets on the backs of their vehicles, but do people really see Jesus in us without all of the accessories?

If I never again wore any religious-themed attire, never wore a cross necklace, and didn't have the fish symbol on the back of my vehicle, would others still be able to tell that I'm a child of the King?

 Sadly, I know that I fall short weekly  daily  hourly each and every day of my life. Thankfully, I know that He is always there for me to ask forgiveness for my sins and short-comings. You see, Jesus is always with us. He is never away for a weekend. His phone line never rings busy. He never has someone else to stand in for Him. His presence is a constant, whether we choose to acknowledge it or not. We simply have to have faith, and stand back and let Him do what He wants to do in and through us. He's waiting on us to really see Him. He's waiting on us to let others really see Him in our lives.

A fire has been ignited in me. My heart has been convicted. My toes have been stomped on. My soul has been challenged.

People NEED to know Jesus, and as Christians, we are obligated to help them see Him in us.

Salvation in Jesus is wonderful news. If you have something amazing that has happened to you, you wouldn't keep it a secret. You'd want to shout it from the rooftops! How is the Good News of Jesus any less important?  There are people dying and going to hell every minute of every day. What can I do to change that? What can YOU do to change that?

Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior? If you were to die right now, do you know without hesitation where you would spend eternity? If not, I would love to share my Jesus with you.

I will end with this thought....

What flag are YOU flying in YOUR heart today?


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