Thursday, January 3, 2013

Slower Pace

As 2012 turned into 2013, I realized that for much of last year my life, I have lived flying by by the seat of my pants. No planning. No organization. Praying that at the last minute, everything would work out perfectly.

Life isn't like that.

It takes planning.

It takes organization.

It takes...learning to live simply.

Here are just a few of the goals that our family is working towards as a team in 2013:

#1 - Reading the Bible Through as a Family
Our pastor has challenged us, as a congregation, to make 2013 the year of the Bible, and to read our Bibles through. We have a daily reading plan that we are following that will help us to achieve this goal, and all the while, drawing us closer to Him. After all, isn't THAT the real goal? :)

#2 - Meal Planning - ugh!
How many times a day are you asked, "What's for supper?" Better yet, how many times a day are you responding to that question with, "I haven't even thought about that yet," or "I have no idea." I found blank calendars and blank grocery list forms online, and printed enough out to carry me through June, and got busy planning our family meals, so that I will always know how to answer the question of what's for supper.

January's calendar already planned out and ready to go.
How I plan for each meal:
*Refer to Pinterest for new recipes instead of opting for the same old tired meals.
*I plan for leftovers twice a week.
*I am planning for two meals eaten out per month.
*I have switched up meals of chicken, beef and pork for variety.

January's corresponding grocery list.

Grocery list for one week's meals. As my pantry gets restocked through couponing, I plan to only shop once or twice per month.
I have placed all of my blank calendars and blank grocery lists, along with printed copies of all of the recipes that I'll be using for the month in a 3-ring binder. I have the recipes in plastic sheet protectors to keep them from getting splattered on during the cooking process. :)
Tonight's recipe - Farmers Pork Chops. Check out the handy dandy recipe holder (old hanger). I found this ingenius idea on Pinterest. When I complete the meal, I can simply take the page, and reinsert into my binder for later usage. 

#3 - Coupon, Coupon, Coupon!!!
Before Harris Teeter stopped regular tripling of coupons a little over a year ago, I was a stockpiling crazy woman. If I spent more than $30 on two weeks worth of groceries, I was upset. Most of the time, I left the grocery store feeling like I'd stolen from them with how cheaply I got out. Since that came to a screeching hault in 2011, I haven't couponed at all. :( I have since been introduced to my sister's grocery store - Ingle's. Ah, the couponing fire is alive and well again, and I'm ready to rebuild my stockpile - cheaply.

#4 - Planning for a Vegetable and Herb Garden
Let's be honest. Fresh fruits and vegetables are priced outrageously in grocery stores. If you have a local farmer's market, you can score these items for really good prices, but not always. To alleviate the added expense, and still feed our family well - and economically - we will have our first garden in 8 years this summer!!! I am beyond excited!!!
Here is our plan for our raised and climbing beds for fresh veggies and herbs.
While it's obviously not a professional plan, the fact is, I have a plan in place. :) From this bounty, I plan to feed our family, share with extended family, can up a storm, and dry herbs for winter use. I can't wait!!!
Our plan for watering our vegetable and herb garden without it costing us a penny - a homemade rain barrel.
#5 - Continue making homemade laundry detergent.
If you have never tried making your own liquid laundry detergent, I highly, highly, highly recommend you try it. We have used homemade only for a little over a year now, and I will never again use anything else. The recipe that I use makes 5 gallons at a time. I then separate it into 1-gallon milk jugs for easier pouring and storage, and that will last our family of 4 for about 3-4 months. Over the past year, I have spent less than $25 on the supplies for making this detergent. (More like $20, to be honest). I have started adding in essential oils for scent. (You can find these in the soap making area at any Hobby Lobby for $2.99 per bottle. If making a full 5-gallon run of the detergent, I recommend purchasing 2 bottles to add to the batch.) Here is a link to the laundry detergent if you'd like to try it:
(I also have this recipe, along with step-by-step instructions on how to make it in an earlier blog post.)
So, there are the first five ways that our family plans to draw closer to God, and revert back to a more simple way of life in 2013. In my next post, I'll share five other ways that we are planning to make our lives easier, more frugal, more organized, and all the while, walking closer to Him.

God bless,